Triac AT Plastic Welding Kit | HB-PWKAT
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This plastic welding kit features a LEISTER Triac AT digial hot air welding gun and is loaded with the tools and accessories you will need for professional plastic fabrication.
Plastic can be easily fabricated or repaired with the proper tools; now plastic welding is easy with the advanaced technology of this Triac AT plastic welding kit. This kit features a LEISTER Triac AT digial hot air welding gun and is loaded with the tools and accessories you will need for professional plastic fabrication.
This Plastic Welding Kit Contains:
- The Triac AT 120V digital hot air welder
- 5mm reinforced nozzle
- 4mm speed nozzle
- Tracking nozzle
- Assorted welding rod,
- Rotary burr
- Brush
- Gerber multi plier tool
- Scraping tool
- Leister storage case
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